For those of you who don't know, and I am guessing that most of you don't, Jen Sharpe is the current owner of my dream job.. but she is absolutely bruuuutal at it! She blogs and does game-recaps and interviews for the Edmonton Oilers. I have always hated her writing style because -quite simply- she has no style! The way she writes is so F-ing boring! It's pretty obvious she knows next to nothing about hockey and just regurgitates facts she hears off of TSN and tries to claim them as her own! I have held my hatred for Jen in for far too long, so it's time to rant and get this hatred off of my chest!
Jen recently did an interview with the newly acquired Aaron Johnson in the "ask an oiler" section. Jen, in her retarded nature, obviously did absolutely NO research on the kid and seemed to go into the interview blindly, hoping that what the fans were writing was the truth. Case in point: Jen claims that someone has written in a question saying "How do you feel about being my brother?" from William. This could have been a funny question despite the fact that Aaron doesn't have a brother named William! YOU IDIOT! I mean, you would think that that idiotic brain of hers would think "hmm.. maybe I should ask someone if he even has a brother named William, or one at all for that matter". But no! She trusted some idiot that sent in an email.. and I thought that I was gullible...yeesh!
How Jen Sharpe got this job is beyond my imagination! I know that she worked for the AHL's Manitoba Moose before signing on with the Oilers.. that's right, I did my research on you Jen Sharpe! Even still, I find it hard to believe that she was the best candidate for the job. It is my hope that I will one day take over Jen Sharpe's job and bring some personality, sarcasm, research and passion back into Oilers blogs and interviews!
I think she got the job because she appears to have great tits...?
ReplyDeleteI do agree though... definatly your typical dim witted blonde...lol